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New Years Resolutions

Hi loves! Welcome to Day 12 of The Odyssey Project! In celebration of New Years, here are our New Years Resolutions.


1. This year I want to finally clean out my closet! Honestly I want to clean out my while room, it’s getting a little insane.

2. I also want to redo my room! I’ve been wanting to do this for a while and my parents are going to let me as a graduation gift!

3. I want to build an actual wardrobe. I honestly don’t have a lot of basics, I pretty much have a button down shirt and a bunch of statement pieces, which is why I have so much junk. I might want to invest in a plain white t-shirt or two.

4. A resolution for this year, is to not just focus on my academics. I’m a very studious person, but I’ve finished my high school applications, and after I finish this next trimester my grades will virtually not matter. And my freshman year grades will also not count towards college. This doesn’t at all mean I am not going to take my grades seriously, I just have a problem with overworking myself, and especially since this is my last semester with my class I want to savor my time with them.

5. I want to learn to pack a suitcase. I am a total packets and I always overpack. This goes along with my theme of not over consuming and relying on the unsustainable system of my wardrobe that I have built. I want to be able to mix and match, and utilize all my pieces.

6. I want to be the type of person that calls friends stuff like “loves” I don’t know why I just like the vibes of it.

7. I just want to have fun. Throw a party take pictures, look hot, and maybe I’ll grow a little.


1. Become more likeable in terms of personality

2. Wear makeup and experiment with how it makes me look/feel

3. Expand my wardrobe to be aesthetic


  1. Find an aesthetic that I like and dress accordingly

  2. Take aesthetic pictures

  3. Save money

  4. Take care of my skin


  1. Meet new people

  1. Find and understand my style

  2. Find out what I like to do in my free time

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